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Outdoor Rehearsal Information

Season Update - Socially Distanced Open-Air Rehearsals Approved for Some Instruments


Our season will open on September 1st (operating under County guidelines designated for Day Camps). At this time, we have received approval to hold socially distanced open-air rehearsals for string instruments only. 


For the winds, brass & percussion we will offer a hybrid program for the Fall. These students will begin the season with virtual rehearsals. Tuition will be adjusted by 50% (tuition credit will be added to the account each month) for winds, brass, & percussion students until they are approved to join the strings students in live rehearsals. We have made this decision out of an abundance of caution for our community's safety. We hope to resume regular rehearsals as soon as possible. 


This season of SYS will no doubt look a bit different than normal. However, this situation creates many unique and exciting opportunities for students who participate. We have worked hard to create a dynamic and cohesive hybrid program. We will be offering virtual rehearsals and virtual performance opportunities, online sectionals and masterclasses with SYS conductors and with guest musicians, online seminars and music theory lessons.


Important Supplies for Outdoor Rehearsals


As we gear up for our outdoor rehearsals there are a few things that you will need to have. Remember Strings Only have been approved for live rehearsal at this time.


Please bring your own music stand. In order to cut down on shared materials due to Covid-19, we are asking everyone to bring their own portable music stand to outdoor rehearsals. We will have a small supply of stands to borrow if you are unable to acquire one or if you forget to bring one.


Please bring your own music in a binder. In a continuing effort to eliminate shared materials we ask that you download your own music and keep a binder that you will bring to rehearsals. We recommend that you have a 3-ring binder. You can put the pages in sheet protectors or use binder clips to help if it gets windy. You may also bring your music on an iPad or other device at your own risk.However, there is no access to WiFi so please make sure if you bring an electric device that it is fully charged and the documents are already downloaded.


Bring a pencil with eraser for marking your music.


Bring Water. It has been unseasonably hot and you will need to stay hydrated. We recommend a large insulated water bottle.

If temperature is 103 or above at the time of rehearsal it will be moved online for that rehearsal. We will monitor the weather and make a determination by 3 pm. We will use The Weather Channel app for Sacramento and check the expected temperature for 6 pm as our guide. We will notify participants by email or Remind app.


Bring Your Mask! Even though we will be outdoors, all participants, staff, and visitors must wear a mask. ADA exceptions only with prior notice. We are only cleared for outdoor rehearsals if we follow the protocols that have been set for us. As our groups are over 10 people, we must all wear masks.


For 8 pm rehearsals consider a stand light. We will have some available for purchase at rehearsal for $10 each but you are also welcome to acquire your own. We will make every effort to add supplemental lighting in the rehearsal area but highly recommend additional stand lighting.




We will be doing a Health Check at time of entry. Anyone registering an elevated temperature will not be admitted. Please stay home if you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:


Fever or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


Please also stay home if you believe that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.



Parents are welcome at rehearsal, but we have a limit to the number of individuals that we are allowed at any given time. If we are over capacity, parents will be asked to wait in their cars or come back after rehearsal to pick-up their student.


Parents and other visitors are subject to the same rules as participants and must have their temperatures checked, abide by social distancing, and wear a mask at all times.

SYS will only be supplying chairs for musicians. If you wish to watch the rehearsal, please bring your own camp chair. There is very little shade at the rehearsal location so you may wish to bring an umbrella.


Other Things to Consider:

Please dress according to the weather. Consider wearing layers. You may also find that a hat or sunglasses are helpful.

Protect yourself with sunscreen and consider applying insect repellent if there is insect activity. Please apply before coming to rehearsal.

We will set up large tents (10' x 30') to help provide shade.

It will likely be very sunny at the start of the 6 pm rehearsals. We will do our best to provide as much shade as possible.

We are excited to announce that we have secured a NEW outdoor rehearsal venue. All outdoor rehearsals will take place at our new location beginning September 3rd.

Vivace Strings (6 pm) & Academic Orchestra (8 pm) should report to this location on September 3rd.

Classic Strings (6 pm) & Premier Strings (8 pm) should report to this location on September 8th.

Located adjacent to our Business Office located at 3443 Ramona Ave, Sacramento, CA 95826.

Please arrive 15-20 minutes early to allow for check-in and tuning. Don't forget your music stand, music folder, and your mask!

After entering the business park from Ramona Ave, our building is the third building on the right. The gated area at the end of our building will be where we are having rehearsal.

Note: the same rehearsal protocols will be place at our new location.


Prior to Attending Rehearsals for the First Time This Season, All Members, Parents, Staff, Volunteers, and Guests Must Fill Out Our Health and Wellness Agreement.

If you plan on entering the rehearsal area, please fill out this form. One form for each individual.


Health & Wellness Agreement Form


What to Expect at Outdoor Rehearsals



We will be having our first outdoor rehearsals for Strings at the gated outdoor area adjacent to our Business Office located at 3443 Ramona Ave, Sacramento, CA 96826


Check-in Time:

Please arrive no more than 20 minutes prior to your scheduled rehearsal. 

Only Scheduled Volunteers and Staff/Board Members may enter early.

Check-in will begin at 5:40 for 6:00 rehearsals.

Check-in will begin at 7:40 for 8:00 rehearsals.




As we are using the parking area of the Business Park.  There is plenty of parking.



Please do not attempt to go inside of the business. When you arrive, you should proceed directly to the entry of the gated outdoor area. All individuals will be required to wear a mask at all times while on the premises.

Please remember to maintain appropriate social distance at all times.

Before entry, each individual will have their temperature reading taken. Those with elevated temperatures will not be permitted. We understand that outdoor temperatures may affect readings and we will allow for a re-check after a cool-down period.

Next, all individuals will need to use hand sanitizer available at the check-in station. At the check-in station please give your name to the volunteer. They will mark students for attendance and make sure that we have a Health & Wellness agreement on file for all that enter.

After check-in, members must proceed to the rehearsal area and find their seats. They should unpack their supplies and tune their instruments. Members should not leave their seats unless directed to do so.

There will be a separate area for parents to set up their own camp chairs. Please observe mask & social distancing protocols in the parent waiting area as well.

We will have several volunteers and staff members monitoring for appropriate social distancing and mask use throughout the rehearsal time.

Please understand that we must follow these strict guidelines in order to hold rehearsals. Individuals who are not following protocol will be given one warning and may be excused if non-compliance continues.


It will be up to the individual conductor to determine if they will have a break. The rehearsals are 90 minutes in duration. If the conductor allows a break, social distancing and mask protocols will still apply. If there is not a break, students may ask to use the restroom if necessary.


We will have a volunteer scheduled serve as an escort. The restrooms are located inside of the locked building. The escort will have the key and will take people inside the building (no more than two at a time) for restroom use. Please ask a staff member if you are unable to locate the restroom escort.


Food will not be permitted to be consumed on the premises*. Please eat before you arrive. Only water will be allowed.

*Exceptions for certain medical conditions, if food is consumed in a designated area. Please inform a staff member if the applies to you.


We will have volunteers scheduled to serve as an additional safety measure. The safety volunteers will make sure that no unauthorized individuals enter the rehearsal area and that no student members leave unattended. For the later rehearsals, the volunteers, if requested, will walk people to their cars. These volunteers will be equipped with flashlights. If you need assistance please let a staff member or safety volunteer know.

After Rehearsal:

Students: Please gather your belongings promptly after rehearsal and leave the rehearsal seating area. You may find your parents or wait for your parents in the parent seating area. If you drive yourself, you may proceed to the exit.

We have a limited time between rehearsals and need to begin sanitization and check-in for the next group within ten minutes of the first session ending.

If you have questions that need to be addressed immediately, please find a staff member. If your question can wait or be addressed by email or phone, please contact us at the office. This will help us to keep from going over capacity at rehearsal.

Parents: If you are not staying at rehearsal, please arrive promptly for pick-up. Your student will be directed to wait inside of the gated area until you arrive. You may text your students when you arrive and the safety volunteer will allow them to exit upon showing the parent text. You may also walk up to pick up your child.

If you are already at rehearsal, please help us by gathering your personal belongings and exiting quickly. Between the 6 PM and 8 PM rehearsals, this will be especially helpful, as it will keep us from going over capacity and allow us to focus on sanitizing and the check-in for the following group.


Please call our urgent number: (916) 399-3555 if you are experiencing any delays.


Please stay home if you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:


Fever or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


Please also stay home if you believe that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Report an Absence


Parents are welcome at rehearsal but we have a limit to the number of individuals allowed on the premises at any given time. If we are over capacity, parents will be asked to wait in their cars or come back after rehearsal to pickup their students.
Parents and other visitors are subject to the same rules as participants and must have their temperatures checked, abide by social distancing, and wear a mask at all times.
SYS will only be supplying chairs for musicians. If you wish to watch the rehearsal, please bring your own camp chair. There is very little shade at the rehearsal location so you may wish to bring an umbrella.

Due to COVID-19, all orchestras and ensembles are subject to change to accommodate the health and safety guidelines set forth by California state law, Sacramento County Health Dept., and the CDC. The possible changes may include, but are not limited to: change in protocol, change in rehearsal venue, change to the season start date, change in schedule, change in orchestra/ensemble size, change in orchestra/ensemble composition. Please bear with us as we navigate the restrictions for our organization type. Our highest concern is for the safety of our members, families, and community. If at any time during the season we are unable to offer our services (or provide a reasonable substitute) due to these restrictions we will offer prorated refunds.

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