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Rehearsals are held weekly at Rosemont High School. Rehearsal schedule is generally as follows:


Premier Orchestra 7:00 – 9:30 pm

Classic Orchestra 7:00 – 8:45 pm 

Prelude Strings 5:45 – 7:00 pm

Vivace Strings 7:15 – 8:45 pm


Academic String Orchestra 7:00 – 9:15 pm

Symphonic Wind Ensemble 7:00 – 9:00 pm


You will be notified of any changes to the rehearsal schedule via email.


Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to all rehearsals to check in, tune your instrument, set up your music stand (if applicable), and warm up.


Be sure to bring your SYS student scan card to all rehearsals and concerts. (You may pick it up at parent meeting or first rehearsal.) Staff or volunteers scan musician member card upon arrival at all rehearsals and concerts to track attendance and timeliness.


Classic Orchestra as well as Vivace and Prelude Strings musicians must bring a portable music stand labeled with their name to all rehearsals.


All musicians should bring their instruments as well as proper accessories, pencils, and erasers.


All musicians should be ready to play when the conductor takes the podium.


Cell phones and electronic game devices are not allowed at rehearsals or performances. Any cell phone heard or seen at rehearsal is subject to confiscation by the conductor or orchestra assistant. Confiscated devices will be returned to parents at the end of rehearsal.


Rehearsal Sheet Music: All musicians are provided with music folders at rehearsals (you do not need to bring practice sheet music with you). Rehearsal sheet music and folders should NEVER go home with you. You may write on sheet music originals in pencil only, making only necessary music notations. Do not draw, write notes, or deface your sheet music in any way. Musicians will be charged for lost or damaged music.


Breaks: Conductors indicate break times during rehearsals. A snack bar is available in the hallway during breaks. All food should be eaten in the hall and not in rehearsal rooms.


Always be on your best behavior during rehearsals as well as breaks. Be sure to observe the rules of both Rosemont High School and SYS.


Pick your young musician(s) up on time after rehearsals.


SYS has a strict ATTENDANCE POLICY. Please check the website and online calendar for all pertinent dates and mark them in your personal calendar as soon as possible. Musicians MUST plan to attend all scheduled activities for their particular orchestra or ensemble. Please let the SYS office know if your child will be absent by using the  Report an Absence button on the SYS Website.  Possible excused absences include • School music functions • Religious commitments • Illness  Five excused absences, three unexcused absences, continued tardiness, or any unexcused absence from a dress rehearsal or concert are grounds for expulsion. 

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